Ottawa: Demonstrasjon mot Norsk barnevern 9 januar 2016

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In support for Marius and Ruth Bodnariu family and all other families that barnevernet have taken the kids from.

Thank you Ottawa! It is a real blessing to have such good friends! God be with you and your family’s!

Ca 80 demonstranter markerte utenfor den Norske ambassaden i Ottawa Canada i går i støtte for familien Bodnariu som barnevernet tok 5 barn fra i november 2015. skriver:


Several dozen Romanian-Canadians and supporters gathered peacefully at the Norwegian Embassy Saturday as part of an international protest over that country’s seizure of a family’s five children in an alleged religious dispute.

Supporters say the three sons and two daughters of Ruth and Marius Bodnariu, aged three months to nine years old, were taken into custody by the Norway’s child services last November, after one daughter’s teacher expressed concern over the family’s fundamentalist Christian beliefs.

Protests were held in a number of capitals, including Washington and London.

Embassy officials were not available for comment.

See more about the Bodnariu case here and here

Kilde: Facebook og

80 demonstrerte i Ottawa, Canada i går i protest mot at barnevernet i Naustdal har tatt de 5 barna til familien Bodnariu samt alle andre barn som barnevernet har tatt urettmessig.

Se link til alle artiklene vi har om Bodnariu familien her.

Press release here.

Sign the petition here.

Bodnariu familiens webside finner du her.

Status på demonstrasjonene finner du her

barnevernet - who they really are



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